Denmark Gymnastics

Denmark Gymnastics is a not-for-profit gymnastics club situated in the beautiful regional town of Denmark, Western Australia.
Established in 2013, we pride ourselves on providing gymnastics opportunities to children of all ages from around the Great Southern.
Our Vision
Denmark Gymnastics, leading provider of gymnastics and motor skill development for the Denmark and Great Southern Community.
Our Mission
To provide gymnastics skills for the wider Denmark community. Fostering confidence and supporting development in a safe, positive, fun, encouraging, welcoming and inclusive environment.
Our Values
Positivity and Inclusivity.
Fairness, respect and equality.
Teamwork and Professionalism.
Safety in all we do.
Be your best.

For all enrolment enquiries - please email:
Denmark Gymnastics Club offers numerus programs both recreational and competitive across a variety of days and times to suit all ages, fitness levels and experience.
Toddler and Kindy Gymnastics:
The Toddler and Kindy gym classes focus on movement-based activities such as running, jumping, balancing and swinging – all core fundamental movements. These activities assist a child’s development of co-ordination, strength and confidence in a fun and safe environment.
Toddler gym requires parent participation at all times. It also involves group time on the floor, guided discovery through different weekly course set up, followed by free exploration with parents around the gym.
Kindy gym involves no parent participation. This is a more structured class and focuses on the basics of gymnastics. Children must be confident enough to participate without parents on the floor.
Ninja Boys Gymnastics:
Our Ninja class comprises of gymnastics foundations but is focused on completing obstacle courses rather than routines on each apparatus. All our recreation classes will have an open day at the end of each term where parents can come and watch the progress their child is making in class.
Recreational Gymnastics: Beginner, Gym 4 Fun
The recreational programs (non-competing athletes) offer progression through skills such as handstands, cartwheels and forward rolls in a non-competitive environment. These classes develop co-ordination, flexibility and strength. Participants have full use of all apparatuses including beams, bars, floor and vault (Girls) – high bar, rings, pommel, p-bars, floor and vault for boys.
Homeschool Gymnastics:
Denmark Gymnastics offer classes to Homeschool Groups in the Great Southern. These classes include elements of WAG (Women's Artistic Gymnastics) and Ninja and run on a weekday.
WAG Foundation Level Squad (Level 1 & 2)
Children from our Recreational classes who show potential for competitive gymnastics success are invited to join this program.
The aim of our Foundation Level Squad is to follow the Australian Levels Program in order to enhance your child’s ability to achieve their desired outcome in gymnastics through their focus, dedication and self confidence. They will be challenged with more advanced strength, flexibility and skill requirements. Training hours for this group are based on level and require a commitment to 2 days a weeks training.
Denmark Gymnastics does not currently offer competition for this group, however this is one of our aims for the future. In this program, you will notice your child developing more body control and core stability which is important not only for gymnastics, but for all sports in life.
During this program, your daughter may be talent identified to move through to the Competitive Program or if you wish, you are welcome to request a trial for our Competitive Program.
WAG Competitive Squad Gymnastics (Level 3+):
The competition squad program is a focused competitive program for gymnasts who wish to compete at a higher level against other clubs in Perth and regional areas. Athletes invited into the competitive program will be at the Head Coach’s discretion. There are 3-4 competitions in term 2 & 3, followed by State Championships (Sept/Oct). This stream of gymnastics starts at level 3 and requires a higher level of discipline and commitment to training.
Holiday training is also highly encouraged and expected, particularly during the competition season.
All our programs follow the Australian Levels Program set by Gymnastics Australia and consists of a variety of skills and routines the gymnast must learn and master on each apparatus.
​All of our coaches are GA accredited and all staff and volunteers are required by law to hold a current and valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) issued by the West Australian Government.
Trial Classes:
Denmark Gymnastics may offer a trial class (where there is space in the class) for new enrolments to ensure that we find a class that suits.
We work with parents, athletes and coaches to ensure that we are able to place athletes in a class that matches their age and ability.
As safety is our priority, trial classes will only be offered when there is sufficient space in a class.
Trial classes are charged at the normal rate for the class as a one-off class.
Please note that requesting a trial does not secure a place in the class in which you are trialing.
Space is limited in our popular gymnastic classes. If a child missed out on a class, we encourage people to email to put their child’s name on a waiting list.
Please email: dengymnastics@gmail.com for all fee enquiries.
Denmark Gymnastics invoices fees for the term via email.
Denmark Gymnastics does offer trial classes however there is a fee for these.
​Club fees are made up of the following costs (+GST):
1. Gymnastics Western Australia (GWA) Annual Registration Fee – this is a one-off annual fee that the club pays to GWA so that a gymnast is insured until the end of the year.
2. Term tuition fees – these will vary depending on the length of the term and is based on the number of hours of tuition a gymnast will receive for the entire term
3. Administration fees – As Denmark Gymnastics does not charge any additional fee or levy on top of the registration fee charge by Gymnastics WA, in order to cover administration duties required to operate an effective gymnastics club there will be an additional administration fee on top of class tuition and insurance fees.
We are registered with Kidsport - $300 available per year for eligible health care card holders.
You can apply for Kidsport funding online at:
When you receive your voucher number, please email this through to the club.

Please email the club: dengymnastics@gmail.com for information on our Recreational Program Timetable.
Our Levels Program (WAG Foundation and Competitive Squad) is offered by invitation only.

For training, athletes are asked to wear neat, comfortable sport appropriate clothing.
Athletes should wear comfortable, close fitting clothing during classes as listed below.
Girls: Any leotard, crop or singlet plus sports shorts or tights.
Boys: T-Shirt (not loose fitting) and shorts or skins/bike pants.
For safety reasons gymnasts should not wear clothing with denim, hoods, buttons, zips or belts.
Please remove all dangly jewellery - studs/sleepers are ok.
​Denmark Gymnastics has a range of uniforms available for purchase:
- Long sleeve leotard - worn by our competitive gymnasts when representing our club at competitions.
- Short sleeve training leotard - available in a range of sizes.
- Ninja T-shirt.
- Jacket and pants - compulsory for our competitive gymnasts.
- Backpacks, training bags and more!
If you are interested in purchasing any of these please get in touch with Anita from:
Denmark Uniform Shop
0407 841 911
Facebook: @denmarkuniformshop

Denmark Gymnastics - Policy, Procedures and more.
Rules of the Gym
Drill Policy
Code of Conduct - parents/guardian
Complaints Handling Procedure
Facility Usage Guidelines
Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy
Evacuation Map
Governance and Management Policy
Emergency Procedure Policy
Covid Safety
Accident and Injury Procedure
Healthy Community Venue Policy
Code of Conduct - athletes
Equipment Policy
Code of Conduct - competition (Athletes/Parents)
Manual Handling Policy
​​Child Protection Guidelines:
Denmark Gymnastics intends to provide a safe and happy environment for children at all times.
To ensure the safety of all children at all times:
• All coaches are governed by the Gymnastics Australia Coaches Code of Ethics.
• All coaches must undergo working with children checks. When coaches are in the process of these checks they will remain under the direct supervision of a qualified coach.
• All Denmark Gymnastics coaches and committee members will treat all children with respect and actively role model courtesy and tolerance.
• Denmark Gymnastics ensures an appropriate coach to gymnast ratio for all classes.
• Denmark Gymnastics will ensure that there is a qualified first aid officer in attendance at all times.
• All Denmark Gymnastics members will be registered with and insured by Gymnastics Australia.
• Athletes will be asked to notify coaches prior to going to the bathroom – so whereabouts are accounted for.
• Athletes will attend snack breaks together as a group under the supervision of a coach.
• All physical contact with children will be appropriate and necessary for the teaching of a gymnastics skill.
• Athletes enrolled at Denmark Gymnastics are not permitted to go outside the gym during class times, unless under the direct instruction of a qualified coach.
• Recognition of a child’s achievements will be shown in an appropriate manner.
• All Denmark Gymnastics coaches and athletes will wear appropriate attire that is both safe and inoffensive.
• Parents are responsible for escorting their children directly to and from the gym shed.
• Athletes will not be permitted to leave the gym shed unless they are directly escorted by a Parent or Guardian.
• All athletes must remain in the seating area of the gym shed if they are waiting to be picked up. If this wait is extended, children will remain under the supervision of a coach. They are not permitted to leave the gym shed until Parent or Guardian has been sighted.
Denmark Gymnastics Child Safety Officer:
Sally Bruce - contactable at:
​Please see below - for policies and procedures related to Child Safety at Denmark Gymnastics.
​For more information - please email: dengymnastics@gmail.com
Denmark Gymnastics is a Not-For-Profit association and run by a committee of volunteers.
If you are interested in joining our committee or volunteering your time - we would love to hear from you.
Please get in touch via email: dengymnastics@gmail.com

President - Herman Quakkelsteijn
Vice-President - Tom Kooy
Treasurer - Sally Bruce
Secretary - Annika Engstrom
Head Coach - Michelle Headley
Jane Visser
Iain Duncan
Sylvie King

Denmark Gymnastics also offers all members a quarterly Newsletter. Known as the 'Tumbling Times' this newsletter details important club information, news and fun activities. Links below.
Term 1, 2023
Term 4, 2022
Term 2, 2022
Term 1, 2022
Term 4, 2021
Term 2, 2023
Term 4, 2023
Term 3, 2023
Term 1, 2024
We would love to hear from you or your business!
Please see our 2023 Sponsorship Packages below.
Get in touch if you have any questions or are interested in working with Denmark Gymnastics
Denmark Gymnastics Sponsorship Packages